Wednesday, August 17, 2011


   Diamonds are a girls best friend? Try heating pad is a girls best friend. I use a heating pad to help with back pain every single day. Even in 90+ degree summer weather. I also use my car seat warmer even in the middle of the summer just to get some kind of relief on the go. It's pretty much a norm for me but sounds way more lame and sad typing it out here...
   I have found the best type of heating pads are the cloth ones that are corrugated with rice in them that can be microwaved. They are safer to fall asleep with than an electric pad and also provide a long lasting damp heat that is great on sore muscles. I usually go through one a year and get them on etsy or at craft fairs. I will say that even after surgery I will still use my heating pad to get me through Buffalo winters but hopefully not as much as a crutch.
It also helps having a wonderful giving boyfriend who will rub me every day and help work knots out. I look back and realize how much tension this subject actually caused in past relationships! I enjoy a back rub but it my case it has been one of the only thing that helps. Glad I have a keeper now- wonder how much I will need/want to be rubbed after surgery?
  I also use an herbal cruelty free version of icy hot I purchased at Whole Foods called Muscle Ice. (Note: to whom ever helps apply this type of cream- WASH your hands before touching your eyes! Poor Rob learned the hard way....)

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