Sunday, August 14, 2011

first "attempt"

   The first time I thought seriously about getting the surgery was several years ago as I was finishing up college. I had started seeing a chiropractor, and when I didn't have miracle results I thought I should at least look into it.  I made an apointment with the school health center. They were the first people to let me know how long the approval and recovery process could be. So between finals and realizing I would soon no longer have insurance I put the idea from my head for the next few years.
I have never thought of a reduction as something I should have to pay in full for. I strongly consider it a corrective NOT cosmetic surgery. My surgeon said something important to me repeatedly.

"You are trading in your current breasts for smaller breasts with scars." This is something that anyone considering the operation should consider daily when making their decision. Also note that I say anyone not just women. That's right fellas- there is such a thing as breast reductions for dudes.


  1. I think I'm going to get the "breast reduction for dudes" ;)

  2. My cousin had this surgery recently and it went well...It was kind of odd in a way that she tried to hide it from everyone even though none of us would have teased her or judged her. We all thought it was a good thing that she was doing for herself. I haven't seen what the after-scars look like from a reduction, but if you're with the right guy *ahem*Rob*ahem* the scars won't matter to anyone but you. :)
